Design and management of regional development concepts emphasizing visibility and Public Relations
Albania is in an on-going decentralization process. More and more responsibilities are being shifted to regional and local levels. Public and private actors engaged in regional economic development are subsequently required to systematically improve their specialist knowledge, methodological, social and personal skills and competencies to be able to make a substantial contribution to growth and prosperity in their home regions.
This is of particular importance for civil servants working in local administrations over the country, who are still the main actors in managing local and regional development concepts.
At the end of September 2015, on date 30/09 and 01/10 2015, CLRDS, how Lead Facilitator, together with Mr Manfred Ziewers in his capacity as Local Economic Development and TVET Expert, we organized as a local event of “Docpie” project, under “Europa for Citizens” Programme, a seminar with the local administration in Vlore to address exactly these shortcomings. “Design and management of regional development concepts emphasizing visibility and Public Relations”.