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Democratic Ownership and Civic Participation in Europe

Acronym: DOCPIE

Submitted under the Europe for Citizens Programme's 2.3 Civil Society Projects action:

Debating on the future of Europe: In the current debate on the European Union in times of the economic crisis and following the European elections of May 2014, there is a need to deepen further the discussion on the future of Europe on what kind of Europe citizens want, also stimulating new forms of civic participation whilst reinforcing those existing. This debate should be based on lessons learned from history and consider in particular the concrete achievements of the European Union. Such debate should not be limited to citizens already supporting the idea of the European Union, but reach out to citizens who have not been involved so far, or who reject the Union outright or put in question its achievements.

The main applicant and coordinator of DOCPIE is the Slovenian organizationDruštvo za razvoj podeželja.

Partner: CRLDS Albania; Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V, Germany; Club UNESCO Serres;

Duration: February 2015- October 2015 (9 Months)

The project calls for 5 events including the kick-off meeting:

  1. Event No. 1 - Kick-Off Meeting (Preparatory Activity) - VENUE: Kistarcsa, Hungary  - hosted by P3, Municipality of Kistarcsa DATE: February 6-7, 2015
  2. Event No. 2 - VOLUNTEER ACADEMY - VENUE: Dresden, Germany (hosted by P7, Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V.); DATE: May 8-10, 2015
  3. Event No. 3 - PROMOTION OF EU REGIONS - VENUE: Serres, Greece (hosted by P10, Municipality of Serres & P9, Club UNESCO Serres); DATE: June 26-27, 2015
  4. Event No. 4 - CIVIL SOCIETY OPEN UNIVERSITY - VENUE: Šmartno pri Litiji, Slovenia (hosted by P1, Društvo za razvoj podeželja LAZ ); DATE: September 10-11, 2015
  5. Event No. 5 - RAISING EU IDENTITY AWARENESS IN 3RD AGE CITIZENS - VENUE: Verona, Italy (hosted by P12, Municipality of Verona); DATE: October 1-2, 2015 
  6. Final Meeting & Evaluation)

Funding:  European Commission, Europa for Citizens Programm 150.000,00 € 

Other expenses: Municipalities of the host cities