5th edition of FORLED 2023: "The growing challenge for the sustainable development of regions and cities in the Western Balkans +"

CRLDS and its partners held last week the 5th Regional and Local Economic Development Forum of the Western Balkans+ 2023 -FoRLED 2023!
The 5th edition of the Regional and Local Economic Development Forum in the Western Balkans+ -FoRLED 2023 held on December 12-15, 2023 in the city of Vlora.

The 5th Regional and Local Economic Development Forum for the Western Balkans+ - ForLED 2023, was a four-day event on regional and local economic development policy in the Western Balkans organized by CRLDS Albania, in partnership with the European Academy of Regions, Ismail Qemali University Vlora and the Vlora District Council, including relevant regional and international actors, resulting in regional and local policy recommendations.

The main theme of FoRLED 2023 was: "The growing challenge for the sustainable development of regions and cities in the Western Balkans +"
ForLED 2023 was for the first time held in a hybrid mode: in person and online. ForlED 2023 was attended by professionals in the field, representatives of CSOs, representatives of the academy, European organizations, as well as representatives of the local government and not only. Institutions, in the EU, international organizations, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs' organizations, public development agencies, academics, experts and civil society from different countries as well as other people interested in the topics of Regional and Local Economic Development.

- Open lecture on sustainability with high school students and teachers of Vlora,
- Forum on "The growing challenge for the sustainable development of regions and cities in the Western Balkans +",
- World Cafe with young people (high school students and students of the University of Vlora).
- Conference: "Green and Digital Transition in the countries of the Western Balkans. The role of regions and cities. The Green Agenda of the Western Balkans"
- Debate on the City: "Eco city", were the pillar activities of FoRLED 2023.

In the following you can see FoRLED 2023 activities through images