Activity of Center's Presentation
Presentation Activity Centre for European Policy Studies Local and Regional Development was held on 11.06.2012 in Hotel Internacional in Vlora.
Considering the fact, that activity was listed as one of the events on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary independence was attended by representatives of government struturave and institutions present in the territory, representatives of organizations ndrzshme, professors and students of the University Ismail Kemal Vlora, artists and intellectuals of Vlora District.
Opening speech by Luiza Hoxhaj, Executive Director of the "Centre for European Policy Studies Regional Development and Local"
Dear participants!
In the first place I want to thank you, for coming here today, responding to our invitation. It is my pleasure to share with you our future project.
Initially make known to you briefly the object of the activity of the Centre "Centre for European Policy Studies Local and Regional Development", which you have to complete in the materials that you have distributed, which is:
- The center will promote and organize meetings that deal with the topic of regional and local sustainable development in economic, social, cultural and environmental area, as well as relevant policies.
- The center acts as a centre for training and sensibilization for interested individuals and groups, within the scope of its activity. It organizes and promotes seminars, meetings and conferences related to this field.
- The center establishes relationship with local and foreign analogues organization in order to exchange experiences, promote best practices as well as the collection and presentation of case studies of national, regional and local interest.
- The center conducts appliedand theoretical research, education and consulting activity in the field of regional and local sustainable development.
- The center promotes and favour the scientific cooperation between Albanian and foreign researchers, operating in the development of the analyse sector, assessment of local resources and environmental, cultural and territorial impact,of the development and their compatibility with the European directives and the development indicators formulated at the international level.
Based on this subject, in view of its goal to create the necessary community, who will perform it, in order to create the necessary synergy, realizing, joint projects, in accordance with the above object, the center requires in order special collaboration with the operators present in the territory of our County as public entities, ranging from the city of Vlora district centers, other local government units, including Vlora District Council, as the place where planning and implementing development policies of the District of Vlora, those private operators, who are the engine of development: entrepreneurship at the regional level, represented in this meeting with the chamber of commerce, the Public University Ismail Kamal our city as a center of knowledge and research, with independent entities such as Regional Agency Environment, the Regional Development Agency, the cultural center "Aulona" public life personalities Vlora, with creative painter, sculptor, architect, poet, etc.
The objective is to increase the rates of convergence of city and county with the highest levels of national and aiming to further regional levels. Collaboration is a process which, after the signing of agreements in principle in accordance with this object, we will proceed in the following case by case basis in accordance with each project, which will have a shared interest. In this project we have tried to avoid the many possible effect slogan premtimtit effect of things, the effect that promotes and warns winds. There will be programmed only things patiently and be introduced only when they are sufficiently safe that can be realized. We are reaching contacts with all sectors speaking to network and which can be right and the potential to build new networks. Who is really interested, as they have begun to do know I can join us when satisfied that what we are doing every day.
You joined this inisative is more concrete ways to help build a new realiteit living a life associative, not only as a user of a range of services that are offered to us by our public and private entities, but as protagonists of an innovative project . This project bases its strength in four basic things: heart, ideas, knowledge and good sense. Wish to bring forward this project. Are coherent with it, we want to do and we will work hard to instill the culture of working in networks, being facilitators and agents of change, using the infinite potential of knowledge, technology and logic, that web 2.0 sets in whose available exploits bringing increasingly common good for the community. As things stand, the situation in which our country, that SMEs and social suit urgent need to do? Generally many would answer though initiatives already undertaken and that concrete results are numerous. An articulated response we will be able to give the time frame to accomplish this project. Persons or entities that have decided to supportive shtesin our project, all together will need to manifest the need for prompt to do something concrete. The process of change should concern us all on a shared culture and community involvement in its completeness.
Individuals should be considered as a resource to be estimated, while the role of public institutions, the public is that of increasing the capacity (capabilities), by providing resources to facilitate the continuation of common objectives and improving the capabilities to convert resources available in prosperity rooted in the territorial context.
Set in this perspective, the relationship between production units installed and exchange of knowledge depend on the ability to innovate and increase productivity. Such a core set simply, in fact in a territorial area, or in a community, who share the same objective, in a wider context of the presence of immaterial factors such as sense and potretizimi identity, belief, culture, ethical inspiration. These factors constitute immaterial called social capital, through which knowledge becomes effectively shared resource.
Build, in terms of emergency that requires our reality means every day put brick after brick, with proper mixing speed and graduated as well with quality criteria, requiring patience and inner strength to invest personally in size enough. People usually learn to love, to wait or to claim, always, everything and quickly by others, should be invested in person, without having already prone to things that have quick returns.
To support and transform an idea into a concrete project that extends in time is never an easy thing. Often they seem efficient retreat and fine those campaigns and advertising slogans style perfectly stars that seem to warn shfryhen revolution but after the first meeting programmed.
Vlora on 11/06/2012
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