Conceptualizing Sectoral Centers of Professional Excellence (SCVE) for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training in a Regional Development Context

From 14 to 17 January 2020, we provided a training program for VET staff (Regional Directorate of Vocational Education in Vlora District and local administration employees as staff from Vlora District, Vlora Prefect Staff) "Conceptualizing Sectoral Centers of Professional Excellence (SCVE) for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training in a Regional Development Context".

This was a joint training activity with the International Coach: Mr. Manfred Ziewers with whom we conducted a series of seminars in the field of regional development and human resources and capacity building over the past years.

In circumstances driven by technological progress and digitalization, globalization and demographic change, vocational education and training institutions active in both initial VET and continuing education must play a crucial role.

In times of fierce competition, these training institutions must take a position at the forefront of the state's applied policies in vocational education and training, in social and (sectoral) economic policies, to ensure that the country's human capital is adequate. appropriately trained to support growth and performance in given economic disciplines, and second, to provide opportunities for personalized personal development in a lifelong perspective.

Successful management and performance of Sectoral Centers of Professional Excellence can have a positive effect, not only on enhancing human resources capacity in the economic branch where they operate, but also from the perspective of regional economic development. Building on the reputation of such a Center as an attractive factor, a regional or local administration can increase the attractiveness of a region by establishing policies and tools from regional marketing.

The 20 participants welcomed many of our joint efforts and expressed a desire to engage in other similar activities for which we will certainly respond positively with Manfred as soon as an opportunity arises.