Expo of knowledge: a social construction project
Awareness campaign to involve local stakeholders in the Project: Expo of knowledge: a process of social construction.
Vlore on 06/11/2012
Expo of Knowledge is a national event, which gives voice who wants to change the country for the better ". Not without reason, its introduction is done in Vlora, in this 100th anniversary of independence.
Other actors participating in this project will be: Municipality of Vlora and other structures at the local, county Vlora, University "Ismail Kemal" Vlora, Chamber of Commerce Vlore Vlore School artistic, creative and cultural associations, Agency environment, regional development agency.
This project will contain a cycle lekionesh held by professors honored by the Copenhagen Business School, Universita degli Studi di from Padua and "Ca Foscari" Universita 'di Venezia, a series of workshops, laboratories and field studies, the publication of a kolane books and articles and concludes with a regional conference, which is taking actors not only people who produce knowledge but also the executor of this knowledge, planners and executors of development projects, which are operators of private and public entities present in the territory will conclude with a final document, or better will provide appropriate development model for our county. The aim is to have a realistic product and it is based on the breadth and quality of the actors involved in this process.
The final product will have the opportunity to present the face of Community authorities. In connection with this project, which will have a time span of 12 months will have the opportunity to talk that follows, welcome your contribution during the meeting and its development.
Today invitations for establishing cooperation is also open to other actors to face together global challenges, including ours for building the knowledge society which is based in the knowledge economy.
The economy of knowledge (Knowledge economics) is a new discipline of economic theory, which were occupied for knowledge as an economic good and its effects on welfare relative to the individual as well as collective, while the expression "economy founded on knowledge (Knowledge economy) indicated a new historical period: an epochal change, as has already happened in the past with the arrival in the big industrial economies, which now closes its cycle, generates the need for a new economic theory.
New historical phase is characterized by continuous innovation processes, which exceeds the highest level of training, continuous learning skills, powers, which presupposes match for, mobility, flexibility and investment in information access system (technological, commercial and legal), in addition to coordination procedures as well as complex research project, manufacture and commercialization of products. In other words a comprehensive resource for "immaterial capital" in the margin of the first period of the industrial revolution, in which economic growth rely more on capital accumulation of material "as cars. Instruments and new models of economic analysis to spieguar placed so and administer changes radically more clues in our reality. To achieve this leap serves us knowledge?
Present at the event is Alexander Carnera, Professor of Copenhagen Business School, who will delivered the inaugural lecture, which symbolically celi awareness campaign, to join you this project. Prof. Carnera refer the cultural economy, innovation and kreaktivitet as well as a reference for the management of space and the city. The theme of the inaugural lecture was chosen in accordance with the historical moment when he ran: Celebrations of 100Vjetorit the Declaration of Independence.