First Forum of Regional and Local Economic Development - organized by CRLDS and EAR in cooperation with the Municipality of Vlora, with Qark of Vlora, with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vlora and the University of Vlora, with the support of the Flemish government.
A “Forum on Local and Regional development” was organised by CRLDS in co-operation with EAR-AER and Flemish Government in the town hall of Vlorë municipality in the presence of the mayor of Vlorë, M. Dritan LELI.
There were present and contributed actively to the forum: Mr. Olvi Merkaj director of the cabinet of the president of Vlore County Council, Mr. Arben Breshani Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Agron Gjipali, City Hall Council Secretary, Docent of "Pavaresia University of Vlora,Regional Development Agencies No 4 , Ilir Nikaj, Director of Youth Center Vlore and many civil society organizations.
Mrs. Hoxhaj opened the debate of the Forum with the announcement that the reorganisation of the municipalities in the country from 400 to 63 created the opportunity of a strong regional economic development tool in Albania, that had to be exploited.
The mayor of Vlorë, Mr. Dritan LELI welcomed the EAR-AER in Vlorë and emphasised on the new task of the enlarged municipalities disposing now of the necessary tools to elaborate a real policy in regional development.
Mr. Neacsu presented in his opening speech the goals of EAR-AER, the effort of the Flemish Government in assisting pre-access countries in their acquirement of competence, the link between ALDA and EAR-AER and the role of CRLSD as local partner of EAR-AER in Albania.
With her striking realisation of projects in Constantza Romania, Mrs. Oncioiu gave to the attendants a taste of the possibilities European funds to pre-access was able to realise.
The other two presentations were made by Mrs. Anila Hitaj, representative of the Vlora Region Council and Mrs. Zamira Agalliu President and Legambiente Vlorë. He continued with the meeting in the Vlora District Council, where he met with the Chairman Mr. Sadrit Danaj and the District Council staff.
The first forum for local and regional economic development will take place after the Territorial Administrative Reform in Albania and the its first effects, as and at the beginning of the second phase of decentralization in Albania: Reforms for regionalization. Our journey of meetings in four counties (Tirana, Elbasan, Berat and Vlora) give us the opportunity to experience and explore the experiences and best practices that show how the economic development, at regional and local level, can be considered as a tool to efficiently implement the new agenda related to local and regional development.