Friendly World Café
It was a very good idea to organize during FORLED 2023, in the premises of Hotel Kraal in Vlora, a Friendly World Café with young people on the theme "Active young citizens for sustainable development in the Western Balkans", during FORLED 2023. This provided a nice forum for open discussions and innovative ideas.
Several questions were posed to them:
1. How can young people contribute to the sustainable development of their city/area?
2. In your opinion, what are the main challenges for sustainable development in the Western Balkans?
3. What initiatives can be taken by the youth community to improve their environment?
4. What are the main needs of your community that can be addressed through young citizens' projects?
5. How can the active participation of young people be promoted in local and central decision-making?),
which were used for the organization of the event, as well as some recommendations were formulated, which were further completed during the development of FORLED 2023 in the following days.