Open Lecture
Open Lecture with Prof. Alexander Carnera, Copenhagen Business School
Foucault and biopoitics. From power to ethics?
The Center for the Study of European Politics for Regional and Local Development in collaboration with Faculty of Philosophy in Tirana organized on May 12.201406. at 10.30 in, Hall “Blu”, Faculty of Philosophi, University of Tirana Open Lecture in the topic:
“Foucault and biopoitics. From power to ethics?”
This lecture, part of the segment "International lecture", was developed according to the following order:
- The first 45 minutes: Foucault and biopolitika.
- The second 45 minutes: From power to ethics?
- Dialogue
The lecture was attended by professors and students from the faculties of philosophy at the University of Tirana, and some faculties of philosophy at several private universities of the capital. Also lecture was opened to the public concerned about this topic.
Who is the lecturer Prof.Alexander Carnera:
Alexander Carnera today works as a lecturer in philosophy, literature and the history of ideas in program philosophy and economics at the Copenhagen Business School. Prof. Carnera is also essayist. He is a permanent writer for the Norse version of the international journal "Le Monde Diplomatiqe" where he writes on literature, art and philosophy.
Also Alexander Carnera is a fictional writer. He has published four novels and stories. View website:
Recently there has been a long interview with him in the role of literature in society. For people interested in his English articles and translations, see the home page under the title: Udgivelser 'and' Publikationer ', here you can download his articles in English. He is ready to publish a new novel memory combined and stories.
Værker af Alexander Carnera
Click here for more information on the CV of Prof. Carneres
"Creativity and failure. Craft, Art and the ethos of learning"
Open Lecture with Prof. Alexander Carnera, Copenhagen Business School
The Center for the Study of European Politics for Regional and Local Development in collaboration with University of Arts in Tirana organized on 06.13.2014, at 10.30 in, Hall Lectorium, University of Arts in Tirana Open Lecture in the topic:
“Creativity and failure. Craft, Art and the ethos of learning”
Selected theme was developed with the following order:
- The first 45 minutes: Introduction to the problem of creativity (+ innovation today) and crafts, including -traditen and learning.
- The seconds 45 minutes at other artistic ethics and learning process and failure. Case: Giacometti and film: Trier and Leth: Five Obstacles.
- Question dialogue. etc.
In this activity, students and teachers participated from all faculties of the University of Arts in Tirana, the Department of Design, Polytechnic University of Tirana as well as several cultural institutions of the capital.
Lecture by Prof. Carneres was followed with great interest by the participants, who besides questions directed, very much appreciated the high quality of lecturer and lecture.
Alexander Carnera today works as a teacher in philosophy, literature and history of ideas at the program of philosophy and economy at Copenhagen Business school and essayist. He is a permanent writer for the scandinavian version of the international magazine Le Monde Diplomatiqe where he write on literature, art and philosophy.
Also Alexander Carnera is afictional writer. He has published four novels, and tales. See homepage:
Recently there was a big interview with him on the role of literature insociety.
For people interested in his english articles and translation, look at the homepage under the heading: Udgivelser' and 'Publikationer', then you candownload english articles. Shortly he will be publishing a new novel combiningmemory and tales.
Alexander Carnera Værker af Alexander Carnera.
Lectures by Prof. Alexander Carnera, Copenhagen Business School
Inaugural Lectures of the project: Expo of Knowledge : a process of social construction, by Prof. Alexander Carnera, Copenhagen Business School, was held under the auspices of the Centre CRDLS Albania in cooperation with the University Ismail Qemali of Vlora and Municipality of Vlora City, on 06/11 / 2012 in the City of Vlora.
I-st lecture on the topic: The economy of culture, innovation and creativity.
Full lecture can follow in the video version by clicking here.
II-st Lecture on the topic: City and space Management
Full lecture can follow in the video version by clicking here.