Open Lecture: Michel Foucault: Biopolitics - Between power and ethics
Centre CRLDS in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Sciences organized on 18.05.2016, in the "Hall of Excellence" of this faculty an Open Lecture, by Prof. Alexander Carnera, Copenhagen Business School, De, on the topic:
"Michel Foucault: Biopolitics - Between power and ethics".
This lecture helded in two parts as follows:
The first 45 min. 1. POWER OVER LIFE: Birth of biopolitics - Society of self-management.
The second 45 min: 2. LIFE AS POWER: ethics, imagination and how to get values seriously (good life),
as well as a session Questions & Answers,
had attended individuals who have interest in the topic, in particular students and lecturers of political science, of philosophy, of architecture,of design and arts as and the persons that exercising a public function.
The center will insist on the consolidation of this column and this culture, which will develop further the capacity of human capital, exchange of knowledge and will be inspiration with contemporary ideas for they.