The Roundtable with the Actors of the RDP Northern Albania

On 24.02.2015 in Hotel Colosseo in Shkodra, the Center in cooperation with its partner, OIR, with the support of RDP's, organized a round table to present and consultation findings, lessons learned and recommendations for stakeholders in the RDP Program Northen Albania. Participants in the discussion were: donor representatives, respectively from Austria Development Cooperation (ADA), Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), representatives of OAR Regional Beratung GmbH, Austria; Helvetas Swiss Cooperation, Switzerland, and Co-Plan, Albania. Also at the event was attended public actors directors and staff members of both counties beneficiary: Shkodra and Lezha Counties, municipalities and municipal leaders from both counties, the private company that had built partnerships with these public institutions within the program RDP Northern Albania and civil society, organizations beneficiaries from this project or in partnership with public actors or offering their expertise on issues specific to the program.

The material was presented in PowerPoint format by three members of the evaluation team:

Bernd Schuh, Luiza Hoxhaj and Max Kintosh. (Click to the link here, to get familiar with the full presentation).
Participants actively discussed the table for five hours about  the final draft assessment report, thus contributing to improving its quality.