Workshop: Fostering female entrepreneurship in rural areas
Fostering female entrepreneurship in rural areas
On September 11th -12th, 2014, in the trajning hall of Bologna Hotel, in Vlora, took place the seminar of “Approaches to fostering female entrepreneurship in rural areas”, organized within the priority of the Centre for development of training and scientific activities, which aim to increase management capacity of staff of the Centre and its associates and the development of contacts and promote dialogue between the Centre and public actors, economic and social factors in the Region Vlora.
In line with recent initiatives of the European Commission in relation to the greater of the Adriatic-Ionian, and initiatives of various government projects in this context, the seminar was a continuation of a phase of a long process, in which a place in so virtuous academic interaction dynamics, companies and institutions, civil society capacity building human and social infrastructure to support innovative promotion of a culture of entrepreneurship in regional and local level.
The center also aims to create a broader partnership for the launch of new initiatives and programs projektuale transboundary research, education and innovation in the field of entrepreneurship.
The seminar was attended by 15 people, staff of the Centre, representatives of Employment Service, Vocational Training Service, Vlora district, associations female entrepreneurship in the region, business women, the field of education University of Vlora. They will in future be involved in training at the level of municipalities and schools to promote entrepreneurship.
At the end of the workshop, several recommendations were drafted highly appreciated in this field.
The training was provided by the International Coach Manfred Theodor ZIEWERS, which is strongly supporting pillar of the Centre, it "Capacity Building". This is one of the ways to support more assessable Center. Facilitator of the workshop was the Executive Director of the Centre, Ms. Luiza Hoxhaj.
For more about International Coach, Manfred Theodor Ziewers, following his CV